
dir. Wojciech Gostomczyk/Poland/2023/82 min.
Gdyńskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Warszawa

His name is Leon and he is a performance artist. His colourful but also dangerous lifestyle puts him often in conflict with society. The only person who seems to understand him is Manfred Thierry Mugler, iconic fashion designer, his boyfriend. Rich and famous fashion designer and perfume creator, Thierry, becomes for Leon an unsurpassed model of a fulfilled artist who is successful on the international arena. Encouraged by the love of his life, Leon decides to create his great stage work, a kind of opus magnum of his life. The last big show is supposed to be a remedy for a middle-age crisis but also an attempt to impress Thierry. With the help of a dedicated troupe of artists and friends, he embarks on an emotional journey, the finale of which no one can predict. „Leon” is not only an intimate portrait of a troubled artist but also a film about passion and love. And above all, about accepting one's failures and past life that you can no longer change.


  • projection time:
    82 min.
  • country/year:
    Poland /2023
  • director:
    Wojciech Gostomczyk
  • pictures:
    Marcin Sauter
  • production:
    Wojciech Gostomczyk, Anna Stylińska / Studio Metrage, My Way Studio
  • festivals and awards:
    2022 – Thessaloniki IFF

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