
dir. Camilla Hall, Jennifer Tiexiera/USA/2022/97 min.
Gdyńskie Centrum Festiwalowe, sala Morskie Oko
Gdyńskie Centrum Festiwalowe, sala Goplana

“Subject” explores the life-altering experience of sharing one’s life on screen through key participants of acclaimed documentaries “The Staircase”, “Hoop Dreams”, “The Wolf Pack”, “Capturing the Friedmans”, and “The Square”. These erstwhile documentary “stars” reveal the highs and lows of their experiences as well as the everyday realities of having their lives put under a microscope. You’ve turned your life over to a filmmaker for a few months or a few years. The film has come out. Maybe you even got to walk a red carpet or two. But then it’s over. Your story has been told in one very specific, strategically edited way. The director got the acclaim and the trophies.  

People think they know you, but only for the worst chapter of your life or maybe the most inspirational chapter. But they don’t know you as a person. They know you as a subject. Their experiences are the story in „Subjects”, along with documentary veterans and film festival. „Subjects” urges audiences to consider the often profound impact on their participants.


  • projection time:
    97 min.
  • country/year:
    USA /2022
  • director:
    Camilla Hall, Jennifer Tiexiera
  • pictures:
    Zachary Shields
  • editor:
    Lauren Saffa
  • production:
    Camilla Hall, Jennifer Tiexiera, Joe Caterini / Lady&Bird
  • festivals and awards:
    2022 – Tribeca FF

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