The Sounds of Insects: Record of a Mummy

The Sounds of Insects: Record of a Mummy
dir. Peter Liechti/Switzerland/2009/88 min.
Atlantic, sala B

A rabbit hunter discovers the mummified body of a 40-year-old man in the woods. Doctors say that the death occurred about a hundred days earlier. The deceased kept a diary, from which we can reconstruct the last two months of his life. At the end of August he went to the mountains he had once visited as a student. Enraptured by their stately beauty, he thought it the perfect place to die. A dozen years later, he reappears here. He notes: "in my backpack I have everything I need for suicide". He does not intend to hang himself or jump off a cliff. Having chosen a secluded place, he builds a tent out of foil and branches, in which he decides to starve himself to death. He has a few books with him (Beckett, Dante), some painkillers, a few candles, and a radio. He drinks only rainwater.

Peter Liechti's film balances between documentary and film fiction. It is based on a mini-novel by contemporary Japanese writer Masahiko Shimada "Until I am a mummy" (Miira ni naru made), which in turn was based on a true story - about a man who died of starvation in the woods, and whose nameless corpse was found with a diary he had kept in the last days of his life.


  • projection time:
    88 min.
  • country/year:
    Switzerland /2009
  • director:
    Peter Liechti
  • pictures:
    Mathias Källin, Peter Liechti
  • production:
    Peter Liechti / Autlook Filmsales
  • festivals and awards:
    2011 – Cinema Honors Award: Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Score, 2010 – ZagrebDox Zagreb, 2009 – European Film Awards

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