Can (and Should) the Rich Save the World? WWF debate following the screening of WILD LIFE, dir. Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin

Wednesday, May 17 | 6:00 p.m. | Kinoteka 1

Can (and Should) the Rich Save the World?

WWF debate following the screening of WILD LIFE, dir. Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin

partner: WWF Polska

Over the years, Kris and Doug Tompkins have bought up huge swathes of Patagonia to save it from developers. Following the example of Patagonia and other foreign companies featured in Chai Vasarhelyi’s and Jimmy Chin’s film, together with the WWF Poland expert, we will take a closer look at the idea of privately protected land. Several organisations in Poland have owned such areas for years, some even for decades. Under Polish law, however, these areas are not recognised as officially protected areas. There is no doubt that we need national parks, the Natura 2000 areas and reserves, and the idea of privately protected lands can accelerate the creation of protected areas. What does this look like in practice? We will take a look at Polish private entities, institutions and businesses in the context of nature conservation.


Magdalena Zadrąg – conservation specialist at the WWF Poland Foundation for the last 4 years. Manager of the "Protected Areas" project, dealing with area-based protection of biodiversity, especially that associated with wetlands.

Dr. Jarosław Krogulec - ornithologist, naturalist, nature conservation director at the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds OTOP/BirdLife Polska.


Anna Pięta – sustainability expert in i.a. fashion, social and environmental activist and author of the MUDA Talks podcast. She was behind the establishment of Poland's first second-hand clothing boutique and a clothing refurbishment project for the brand 4fchange x ubrania do oddania.