Theatre of Thought

Theatre of Thought
dir. Werner Herzog/USA/2022/107 min.
Światowid, Duża

Werner Herzog takes us on a journey to the mind. It’s not any specific brain he is interested in but the mind per se. The film mainly consists of intriguing interviews with leading scholars and workers in such fields as neuroscience and artificial intelligence. What easily could become a rather dry survey solely suited to experts transforms into a beautiful and mind-boggling approach to the depth of human existence and the capabilities of scientific research. Are we living in a fantasy? Will we be able to speak to birds?


  • projection time:
    107 min.
  • country/year:
    USA /2022
  • director:
    Werner Herzog
  • pictures:
    Luke Holwerda, Peter Zeitlinger, Vicente Rosselot
  • editor:
    Marco Capalbo
  • production:
    Ariel Leon Isacovitch, Doron Weber, Kerstin Emhoff, Werner Herzog / Skellig Rock, Ventureland, Alfred P Sloan Foundation
  • festivals and awards:
    2023 – CPH:DOX Copenhagen, 2022 – Toronto IFF, 2022 – DOC NYC New York

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