In the Rearview

In the Rearview
dir. Maciek Hamela/Poland, France/2023/85 min.
Światowid, Kameralna

The first days of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. People caught by time and in space, facing an uncertain here and now, choose to abandon what they hold most precious as they climb straight into the dusty van with foreign plates. It traverses tens of thousands of kilometers serving various functions: waiting room, hospital, shelter, zone for confidences and confessions, which are shared among travelers thrown together by chance. In the Rearview is a collective portrait composed of experiences of those who have a single goal: finding a safe haven.


  • projection time:
    85 min.
  • country/year:
    Poland, France /2023
  • director:
    Maciek Hamela
  • pictures:
    Yura Dunay, Wawrzyniec Skoczylas, Marcin Sierakowski, Piotr Grawender
  • production:
    Piotr Grawender / Affinity Cine, Maciek Hamela / Impakt Film
  • festivals and awards:
    2023 – MDAG Warsaw: Polish premiere

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