Back to the roots. In Greenland. Meeting following the screening of TWICE COLONISED dir. Lin Alluna

Monday, 15th of May | 17:30 | screen Warszawa

Back to the roots. In Greenland. Meeting following the screening of TWICE COLONISED dir. Lin Alluna

In Polish 

Partner: Ethnography Department of the National Museum in

Gdańsk – sponsor of the ETNOMATOGRAF award for the best ethnographic and anthropological film.

Preserving ethnic and cultural identity in a globalising world encounters numerous obstacles, and revisiting the past in search of Inuit values and traditions requires confrontation with demons. However, this important fight allows the Inuit to regain dignity, understand themselves and ensure a better future for the young generation. Lin Alluna's film about an Inuit woman searching for her lost identity will be a pretext for us to talk about a broader problem: Nordic colonialism and attempts by the indigenous peoples of Greenland to return to their ancestral lands.


Agata Lubowicka – an expert on Scandinavia. In the years 2005-2022 associated with the University of Gdańsk, in her research dealing with cultural practices of depicting 

Greenland and the Greenlanders and the culture-forming role of the narratives about polar expeditions in Scandinavia and Poland. Translator from Danish, member of the Polish Literary Translators Association. She has translated, among others, the novels of the Greenlandic author Niviaq Korneliussen "HOMO sapienne" and "Flower Valley", as well as reports from Knud Rasmussen's expedition „Nowi ludzie” and „Wielka podróż psim zaprzęgiem”.


Krystyna Weiher-Sitkiewicz – film educator, moderator, anthropologist and curator of exhibitions. Curator at the Ethnography Department of the National Museum in Gdańsk.