Mysteries of the Human Brain. A meeting following the screening of the film “Theatre of Thought”, dir. Werner Herzog

Saturday, May 20, 4:45 p.m., DCF, Warszawa screening room

Mysteries of the Human Brain. A meeting following the screening of the film “Theatre of Thought”, dir. Werner Herzog


In his films, Werner Herzog has already shown us the four sides of the world. This time, he looks at the least known place on Earth - the human brain, presenting the philosophical and ethical challenges of modern neurotechnology. The film is a rare opportunity to learn about neuroscience, quantum physics and artificial intelligence. After the screening, together with prof. Bogusław Pawłowski will try to satisfy the curiosity aroused by Herzog. A conversation with the author of the monograph “Biologia atrakcyjności człowieka” and co-author of the book “Nagi umysł. Dlaczego jesteśmy jacy jesteśmy. Ludzka natura bez złudzeń” will allow us to explore the topic of human nature and confront the  film with the guest's knowledge. 

prof. Bogusław Pawłowski – Head of the Department of Human Biology at the University of Wrocław. Co-founder and president of the Polish Society for Human and Evolution Studies (PTNCE), and until this year also president of the European Human Behaviour & Evolution Association (EHBEA). He works on the biological basis of human behaviour and preferences, in particular on the signalling significance of traits perceived as attractive.

Martyna Stec

PARTNER: University of Wrocław