Together Against Violence. A meeting following the screening of the film “Under the Sky of Damascus”, dir. Heba Khaled, Talal Derki, Ali Wajeeh

Sunday, May 14, 1:00 p.m., DCF, Lalka screening room (film screening), approx. 2:30 p.m., Piano Bar (meeting)

Together Against Violence. A meeting following the screening of the film “Under the Sky of Damascus”, dir. Heba Khaled, Talal Derki, Ali Wajeeh

The Syrian women's experiences of sexism, abuse and sexual exploitation by men, collected in “Under the Sky of Damascus”, will serve as a starting point for a conversation about gender-based violence in Arab countries and beyond. The voices of Syrian women heard during the theatrical project by five friends will allow us to look at their situation in the everyday life and during ongoing conflicts and wars, part of which are forced migrations, such as those that took place after 24 February 2022, from Ukraine. Together with Nomada Association staff and activists Yulia Brizhik, Nina Ptak and Rita Shamye, we will talk about violence as a tool of control and an inevitable part of the systems in which we operate around the world. We will also look at the film in the context of stereotypes and a sense of occidental cultural superiority.


Yuliia Brizhik – consultant on treatment and medical services access at Miejsce Otwarte. She fled Ukraine with her daughter following the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation on 24 February 2022.

Nina Ptak – gender violence specialist. Feminist and animal-rights activist. She joined Nomada to manage the Blue Dot refugee support point and set up Miejsce Otwarte – Centre for Intercultural Integration. She is building a team dedicated to supporting migrant and refugee people with experience of violence (GBV and PMU).

Rita Shamye – originally from Syria, she has been living in Poland for 8 years. She has first-hand knowledge of the problems faced by people with migration and refugee experience, having been in such a situation herself. In Nomada she works as an intercultural integration assistant (community working).


Adrianna Klimaszewska

PARTNER: NOMADA Association for Multicultural Society Integration