Is it time for a new social contract? A discussion following the screening of the film “Breaking Social”, dir. Fredrik Gertten

Tuesday, May 16, 6:00 p.m., DCF, Lalka screening room

Is it time for a new social contract? A discussion following the screening of the film “Breaking Social”, dir. Fredrik Gertten


“Breaking Social” revolves around the social contract (“the rules that we follow and that some don’t”) and focuses, in particular, on the patterns of corruption and kleptocracy erasing the social fabric, which is then followed by social uprisings. From Malta through the US to Chile, citizens – especially from the younger generations – are demanding change. Tired of the delusion of meritocracy (the assumption that everyone gets as much as they have earned) and the neo-liberal logic that pervades reality, they are becoming increasingly agitated. How do we transform rebellion and social discontent into a viable vision of a better world? What can we do locally? We will discuss this with academics and activists.

dr Łukasz Moll – sociologist, philosopher, publicist. Assistant Professor at the Institute of Sociology, University of Wrocław. Editor of the scientific journal “Praktyka Teoretyczna”. Author of the book “Nomadyczna Europa”. He researches emancipatory political ideas and social movements.

Agata Tannenberg-Ratajczak – psychologist, consultant, leader and team effectiveness diagnostician. She has managed business, cultural and volunteer projects. She is a climate activist – she created Extinction Rebellion organisational structures in Wrocław and Poland and media strategies, and coordinated climate protection campaigns including the campaign that ended with the announcement of the climate alert in Wrocław. She is the initiator of the Wrocław Climate Protection Coalition, where she is currently active.

Lech Moliński

PARTNER: University of Wrocław